
IOS News:過去の記録 · 18日 2月 2025
当初20点程度だった点数をここまで上げたのが本当に凄いです!努力して考え方や習慣が変わった結果だと思う! きっとこれからどんなに苦手な事でも自分なら出来ると思えるようになると思います!
IOS News:過去の記録 · 18日 2月 2025
IOS News:過去の記録 · 13日 2月 2025
今年も残りわずかとなりました。私たちのオンライン塾では、読書を通じて深いテーマに向き合う時間を大切にしています。この日は、ヴィクトール・フランクルの著書「夜と霧」を生徒と共に読み進めました。本書は、極限状況における人間の心理や生きる意味を問う深遠なテーマを扱っています。 読書会の進め方...
Why Did Japan Plant So Many Cedar Trees?
English Blog · 25日 12月 2024
Understanding the Historical Context Around 1950, Japan embarked on a massive afforestation project, planting vast quantities of cedar trees. To fully grasp the reasons behind this decision, we need to delve into Japan's history post-World War II. Following the devastation of World War II, Japan was left in ruins. The country faced a severe shortage of resources, particularly timber. The extensive bombing raids had reduced many forests to ashes. With its economy in shambles and the value of the...

English Blog · 25日 12月 2024
Hello, I'm reaching out for some advice. My son is currently attending a public middle school. The schoolwork seems too easy for him. I'm worried that if he continues at this pace, he may become accustomed to only solving problems that are easily solvable and lose the ability to take initiative and make his own decisions. While I haven't considered tutoring or transferring him to a private school, I'm wondering what I can do at home to help him develop the ability to challenge himself.

English Blog · 25日 12月 2024
May I ask for your advice? I previously consulted you about my child's scary tutor, and I told them I wanted to quit the lessons. However, the tutor is now saying a lot of things that upset me. They're angry that I hired another tutor and that I contacted them via LINE (LINE is similar to Whatapp). They said they would teach my child for free during summer vacation, that they would guarantee my child's good grades, and that they would make my child's summer homework perfect. They asked me to...

English Blog · 25日 12月 2024
"Hello, I have a child who is about to take the high school entrance exam. The latest mock exam showed a 30% acceptance rate for their first-choice public high school. I'm surprised because their results have been good up until now. Should we change their first-choice school?"

English Blog · 25日 12月 2024
I need your advice. My child is a first-year student at a middle-high school. When he doesn't understand something, he hits the desk or throws erasers at the wall. He also gets easily frustrated when he makes repeated calculation mistakes, even on simple problems. Recently, he's improved a bit, but I can still tell he's getting frustrated while solving problems. He loves math and enjoys working on difficult problems independently, but he insists on figuring things out on his own until he...
